MULSS Stance on Palestine

The Melbourne University Law Students’ Society (MULSS) stands in solidarity with the students and staff protesting the ongoing genocide in Palestine. We wish to acknowledge the impact this has on all students who are involved, whether directly or indirectly.

MULSS Statement of Solidarity with Palestine

The Melbourne University Law Students’ Society (MULSS) stands in solidarity with the students and staff protesting the ongoing genocide in Palestine. We wish to acknowledge the impact this has on all students who are involved, whether directly or indirectly. 

In Semester 1, students at the University of Melbourne established encampments in solidarity with Palestinians. This joined the Gaza Solidarity Encampments established across campuses within Australia and globally.  

After eight months of student-led protests, the University of Melbourne agreed to disclose its research partnerships with weapons manufacturers on May 22, 2024. However, students and staff are still calling on the university to divest from weapons companies enabling war crimes in Gaza and the broader occupied Palestinian territories. 

We condemn the university’s response to issue student protesters at Mahmoud’s Hall with misconduct warnings.¹ MULSS echoes concerns from human rights and legal experts that the surveillance techniques used to track students contravene the university’s own policies.²

Since this motion was first drafted in Week 12 of Semester 1, the death toll in Gaza has increased to more than 40,000 Palestinians as of August 8th.³ More than 16,000 children have been murdered. Oxfam has stated that the death toll in Gaza has been higher than any recent major armed conflict.⁴ 

In January 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that, pursuant to Article 41 of its Statute, that Israel is plausibly committing acts in violation of the Genocide Convention. The Court stated it is necessary to indicate certain measures to protect the rights claimed, which includes the protection of Palestinians in Gaza from the direct and public incitement to commit genocide.⁵ 

Judge Hilary Charlesworth, the first Australian woman to serve as an ICJ judge, pre-eminent scholar of international law and Melbourne Law School Professor, has stated that the “only way to prevent further destruction of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip is to bring military operations to an end.”

In recognition of the humanitarian crisis in Palestine and in line with s 2(e) of the MULSS Constitution for the purpose of promoting social justice, we have donated $5000, a portion of our 2024 Sponsorship Revenue to humanitarian aid organisations working directly on the ground in Palestine. More information can be found on our website here: []

Universities should be places which are open to diverse perspectives, and where they can be voiced and debated openly and respectfully. Attempting to silence or censor these protests serves to further harm our community and our students. In support of students’ right to protest, the MULSS reiterates the student misconduct policy and the zero tolerance for its violation. Notably, 

4.2(c) 'treat staff and other students with respect and courtesy';

4.2(e) 'respect the rights of other members of the University community to express

dissent or political or religious views, provided the views and conduct accord with

Australian laws and the regulatory framework of the University, including, but not limited

to, the Freedom of Speech Policy (MPF1342)';

4.2(f) 'behave respectfully towards people of all cultural backgrounds'; and

4.2(g) 'respect the rights of others to hold opinions, assemble or protest peacefully, and

engage in appropriate and measured debate and communication where differences of opinion occur'.

Accordingly, we condemn any hostile action towards students, including misconduct notices and harassment directed towards students involved in protests and in support for Palestine. Likewise, the use of Islamophobia and Antisemitism against students and staff speaking up for human rights is unacceptable.

As a representative body, the MULSS wishes to support all those who have been impacted. Please reach out to your student representatives for support either through Facebook messenger or email, particularly if you have been the target of harassment:

Please utilise the support services currently available:


³Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live tracker | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
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MULSS Statement of Solidarity with Palestine