The Queer Portfolio is a space for the queer MLS community. The Queer Director and Co-Opt seek to represent the queer MLS community within the LSS and as a faculty/administrative liaison.
The Queer Directors aim to foster community and connect queer community members to each other and the group, and they seek to facilitate educational opportunities for both the queer MLS cohort and the MLS community at large.
The Queer Directors, Joshua Wall and Alex Thomas, can be contacted through their email address: queer@mulss.com
Health and Wellbeing:
We recognize that LGBTIQA+ students may face additional stresses not catered for by general student services. In an environment where small pressures can build if not properly dealt with, it is important to know that there are support networks in place for LGBTIQA+ students. If you are struggling in any way, we strongly encourage you to contact one of the queer officers. We are very keen to help where we can, or at least point you in the right direction!
Professional and Social Development:
It is increasingly the case that involvement in the greater LGBTI community provides yet another opportunity for students to engage with the wider ‘legal world’. Law firms, government departments and NGOs are giving more attention to the issues surrounding gender and sexual diversity, and as such a widespread community of legal practitioners is developing. It is our aim to help students engage with this community and make the most of the opportunities to contribute and engage.
Make sure to keep tabs on up the LSS and like our Facebook page (Queer@Melbourne Law School) for notifications of upcoming events!
Queer Issues in Our Community:
The queer portfolio aims to engage the law school in current questions of social and legal justice pertaining to the queer identifying community. The portfolio will host a number of forums and other events throughout the year to raise awareness and increase understanding of these issues throughout the law school.