Internal Competitions Code of Conduct and Associated Procedures

Please click the following links to download:

Internal Competitions Code of Conduct

Internal Competitions Complaint Form

Internal Competitions Escalation Pathway & Penalty System

Internal Competitions Code of Conduct

The Internal Competitions Code of Conduct outlines the conduct that all members of this Portfolio, participants, and judges in the activities of this Portfolio, must not be in violation of during any interactions undertaken with regard to the activities of this Portfolio.

Internal Competitions Complaint Form

The Internal Competitions Complaint Form is reporting tool that can be used to submit complaints directly to the Internal Competitions Directors. If any conduct is viewed to be in violation of the Internal Competitions Code of Conduct it may be reported by the Internal Competitions Complaint & Feedback Form. Three categories of complaints may be submitted so please read the instructions of this form carefully before making a submission. If any conduct is in contravention of the Internal Competitions Code of Conduct it may also be unofficially reported directly to the relevant Co-opts or the Internal Competitions Directors.

Internal Competitions Escalation Pathway & Penalty System

The Internal Competitions Escalation Pathway & Penalty System outlines the mediation process, escalation protocol, and disciplinary recourse that may be undertaken if an individual is reported for violating the Internal Competitions Code of Conduct.

If you have any questions concerning the MULSS Internal Competitions Code of Conduct and its associated procedures, please email the Internal Competitions Directors at